Episode 33

Published on:

17th Jun 2021

Another Institution

A shift in power as Israel feels change, and a meeting of global democracy gets underway as the week kicks off.

This episode features the song “Aside” by Normcore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Links to this weeks stories :

00:08 Netanyahu Farewell

  • Political student turned-rival Naftali Bennett to take his place as prime minister 
  • A “change” coalition brought together after inconclusive election in March 
  • Large scale coalition, spanning all of the political spectrum, used to bring him out of office
  • Netanyahu uses final speech to attack rival, and highlight Biden as an enemy 
  • Bennett uses his time to rebuttal, claiming he wants good relations with both US parties and will stand up to Iran 
  • Bennett also drives home claim to desire peace with Palestine  
  • Netanyahu promises he will be back

06:54 G7 Summit to Criticize China 

  • Biden to openly condemn Chinese efforts towards ethnic unification in China, particularly in areas such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang 
  • G7 countries are primed to begin a new international investment group known as the B3W, or Build Back Better for the World, alluding to his presidential slogan
  • The project is designed to counter the Belt and Road initiative designed by China, which provides loans to tens of countries throughout South America, Africa, and the Balkans 
  • Efforts are highly praised, but unsure of how to proceed, taking shape much like the Paris climate accords
  • Financial dedication is a major sore spot, serving as a difficult roadblock to meaningful progress

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Aligning America
In a world of polarized politics, an unwelcoming electorate, and an abusive two party system, there are those who look above the chaos for reasonable and pragmatic solutions. Every episode we will dig into the newest stories of the day, keeping an eye on national and international stories impacting us all, and I will articulate my ideas and opinions surrounding the fallout. Will I sink further into hopelessness? Will America get its act together and unite to help the people it was founded for? Join me, a youthful political junkie on our journey through the partisan hacks and corporate shills to find common ground while deliberating on breaking stories in the political discourse as they unfold.
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