Episode 29

Published on:

6th May 2021

Baby Steps

A progressive move in the right direction and news that won’t make your week, let’s see how it all pans out.

This episode features the song “Aside” by Normcore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Links to this weeks stories :

00:11 Biden Universal Preschool/college Plan

  • Biden Proposed free, high-quality preschool for all 3 and 4 year olds
  • Preschool noted as often being expensive, largely unavoidable child-rearing cost 
  • 1.8 trillion family plan, would add 2 years of free preschool and 2 years of free community college 
  • Bill also includes benefits to families with children through child tax credits, paid for by closing tax loopholes

08:39 Experts claims on herd immunity 

  • Covid-19 not likely to disappear anytime soon 
  • Reaching herd immunity nearly impossible with current vaccination rates
  • Covid to likely be a manageable yet deadly disease going forward for years
  • Refusal to get vaccinated stemming from many groups, causing herd immunity standards to vary across the country 
  • Easing restrictions across the country also likely to lead to more international strains gaining hold, causing more delays in national safety 

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About the Podcast

Aligning America
In a world of polarized politics, an unwelcoming electorate, and an abusive two party system, there are those who look above the chaos for reasonable and pragmatic solutions. Every episode we will dig into the newest stories of the day, keeping an eye on national and international stories impacting us all, and I will articulate my ideas and opinions surrounding the fallout. Will I sink further into hopelessness? Will America get its act together and unite to help the people it was founded for? Join me, a youthful political junkie on our journey through the partisan hacks and corporate shills to find common ground while deliberating on breaking stories in the political discourse as they unfold.
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