Episode 11

Published on:

24th Dec 2020

Settling in with a month to go..

Corporate Lobbies and international cyber warfare, 2020 just won’t let up. Will corporate stooges fill Biden’s ranks or will Trump declare martial law first? Let’s find out!

This episode features the song “Aside” by Normcore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Links to this weeks stories :

00:04 Biden Transition Team

  • Full of corporate lobby 
  • Centrist at best 
  • Little to nothing on promises or financial relief 
  • Josh Hawley/AOC continue to push for checks 

07:10 Cyber-Attack on Nuclear Codes 

  • Pompeo, Romney, Biden all call for increased defense, blame Russia 
  • Trump downplays it, calls it Chinese intervention

11:08 Reports of Martial Law

  • Trump pushes back, claiming it’s a hoax 
  • Previously, advisor Micheal Flynn supported use of troops, martial law, to redo election in a “fair” setting 

13:43 Covid-19

  • New mutation in England, at least one case found in Italy, Ireland/France/Belgium/Netherlands close travel due to new strain. 
  • US Cases face increasingly full Hospitals, LA hospitals hitting 100% Capacity with need for overflow room causing diminishing care

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Aligning America
In a world of polarized politics, an unwelcoming electorate, and an abusive two party system, there are those who look above the chaos for reasonable and pragmatic solutions. Every episode we will dig into the newest stories of the day, keeping an eye on national and international stories impacting us all, and I will articulate my ideas and opinions surrounding the fallout. Will I sink further into hopelessness? Will America get its act together and unite to help the people it was founded for? Join me, a youthful political junkie on our journey through the partisan hacks and corporate shills to find common ground while deliberating on breaking stories in the political discourse as they unfold.
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