Episode 8

Published on:

2nd Dec 2020

Wisconsin Recount

Recounts, reigniting foreign affairs, and rank executions line up an interesting and convoluted agenda. With chaotic forces in full swing, we cover the highlights of the dumpster fire.

This episode features the song “Aside” by Normcore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Links to this weeks stories :

00:07 Wisconsin recount 

  • 132 new votes for Biden, at the cost of 3,000,000 for the Trump campaign 
  • Newt Gingrich likens the “vote theft” of the 2020 election to the election theft of Andrew Jackson by Clay and Adams

05:36 Killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head nuclear scientist in Iran 

  • Israeli leadership claims that they have no idea who did it
  • Benjamin Netanyahu specifically calling for American support against an aggressive Iran just days ago.
  • Trump having openly asked his military what strikes on Iran would look like
  • John Brennan (Director of Homeland Security) in the Obama admin presided over 4 Iranian scientist assassinations, but is openly calling this attack “criminal recklessness” 

12:40 Patrick Byrne, Former Overstock CEO, claims he is “funding an army of hackers” who will save the election for trump. 

  • He was also known to have shared false documents surrounding the number of ballots requested in Pennsylvania, intending to spread doubt surrounding Biden’s victory. 

20:05 Micheal Flynn pardon, prompts call for Snowden and Assange pardons, though is met with stonewalling and holds no likelihood of progressing. 

  • Furthered bipartisanship surrounding the matter, though state officials of both parties deny the motions based on precedent and interests.

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Aligning America
In a world of polarized politics, an unwelcoming electorate, and an abusive two party system, there are those who look above the chaos for reasonable and pragmatic solutions. Every episode we will dig into the newest stories of the day, keeping an eye on national and international stories impacting us all, and I will articulate my ideas and opinions surrounding the fallout. Will I sink further into hopelessness? Will America get its act together and unite to help the people it was founded for? Join me, a youthful political junkie on our journey through the partisan hacks and corporate shills to find common ground while deliberating on breaking stories in the political discourse as they unfold.
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